I held my mom’s hand and my 10-year-old mind took in the scenery. We zig zagged through the crowded narrow, cobblestone streets of my hometown of La Paz, Bolivia. The stench of the exhaust coming from the dilapidated busses mixed with the odor wafting from the sewage affected no one, including the street vendors. They sat at the edge of the sidewalks selling random items such as bananas, Bazooka gum, matches, bags of nuts and other items.
The activity was entertaining, but what evoked pity in me was the blind and crippled dressed in dingy, tattered clothing. Their belongings stuffed in a worn cloth bag snuggled beside them. They held a dented cup as they sat most of the day beside the church entrance. From time to time, folks would drop a few coins.
That’s why the scene related in Acts 3 brings back memories of my hometown. John and Peter stood before the crippled beggar outside the temple called Beautiful. “Then Peter said, ‘Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.’ Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man's feet and ankles became strong. He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God” (Acts 3:1-9
From time to time, we’re all at the same gate, crippled by fear, bound by insecurities, limited by all that’s out of our control. And like the beggar, we’re hoping for answers that the world—doctors, government, our jobs, our pastor, friends or counselors—cannot give.
How do I know? Because I was that beggar. When I lost my eyesight completely at 30, I sat holding my cup of hope as I looked to professionals for a cure, treatment, or meds, to stop the progression of the retinal disease.
But time and time again, my cup ended up empty. Until that day when I lifted the eyes of my heart toward Jesus. Though physically blind, the eyes of my heart saw Him reaching down to me.
The beggar did the same. He also hoped that coins tossed his way would meet his needs. But when John and Peter mentioned Jesus, all changed. The mention of His healing power opened the way for the miracle.
But those miracles are uniquely tailored. It may take place in moments, over months or after many years. The healing may first be spiritual, then emotional and then physical. The way, the pattern or the order speaks of God’s perfect timing and perfect ways.
Although God’s timing for my healing was different that those of the beggar, I followed the same scenario: when I stretched out my hand of faith, Jesus took it. My focus changed: the world had no answers or cures. But Jesus began the healing of my heart, erasing my fear and sense of helplessness.
The beggar’s ankles became strong. I also became strong in believing God had not forgotten me. He had His healing hand upon me.
The beggar began to take steps. So did I. I took steps to draw close to Him, to follow His lead, and to see what door He would open next. His Word became the lamp unto my feet and the light for my path (Psalm 119:105).
The beggar began to jump and praise the Lord. Do you have the strength to silence opposition and believe in Jesus for the process to heal? As I write this, I cannot see my physical surroundings still, but my shouts of praise to the Lord have no limits or boundaries because He healed my spiritual vision.
I praise Him because He took my physical blindness to the cross. All I have to do is wait for its manifestation. I’m certain it will happen and while I wait, I use my 20/20 spiritual vision to live the rich and abundant life He promised.
How about you? Instead of stepping into that rich life, you might be seated at the gate that’s not beautiful. It’s ugly, dark, and threatening. But when your hand is lifted up toward Jesus, all the asking, pleading, and begging ends. Instead, rejoicing begins because no matter the timing, the manner, or stage of healing, you know Jesus already took all your infirmities, your disappointments, suffering and heartaches to the cross.
And while you wait for His healing to be manifested, your strength comes back, your steps are on solid ground, and the praises from your lips will invite new confidence, new expectations, and boundless hope. That’s where the abundance of life begins.
Father, to the world I may seem poor, crippled or blind, but in You, I know I’m healed, free and praising You as I dance in the halls of joy.
What is your life begging for these days?
Bonus article on today’s topic.
Celebrate with me! My new release, Now I See: How God’s Amazing Grace Transforms the Deepest Pain to Shining Joy won the 2023 Memoir of the Year Golden Scroll Award.
Your copy waits for you HERE.
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